Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Naziv slike : Maslina u zoru 02
Tehnika :Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 70x50 cm
Cijena: Upit
Original prodan
okvir i art print na upit
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Naziv slike :Majka svih maslina 03
Tehnika :Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 70x50 cm
Cijena: na upit
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Naziv slike :Ribarski brodovi 04
Tehnika :Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 100x70cm
Price: 500 euros
Free delivery.
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that involve our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Free delivery.
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that involve our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich colors for you or your friends. The picture is a really valuable gift, a memory and a nice sign of attention for any occasion like_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, ......, Dive in and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness. I prošećite se vedutama istarskih gradića i osjetite duh jednog mirnog prošlog vremena... _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I won't give you everything, do your research and indulge yourself
Naziv slike :Tiramole(sušenje rublja naših baka) 07
Tehnika :Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 50x70 cm
Cijena: na upit
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that involve our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that involve our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich colors for you or your friends. The picture is a really valuable gift, a memory and a nice sign of attention for any occasion like_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, ......, Dive in and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness. I prošećite se vedutama istarskih gradića i osjetite duh jednog mirnog prošlog vremena... _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I won't give you everything, do your research and indulge yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich colors for you or your friends. The picture is a really valuable gift, a memory and a nice sign of attention for any occasion like_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, ......, Dive in and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness. I prošećite se vedutama istarskih gradića i osjetite duh jednog mirnog prošlog vremena... _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I won't give you everything, do your research and indulge yourself
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Free delivery.
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich colors for you or your friends. The picture is a really valuable gift, a memory and a nice sign of attention for any occasion like_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, ......, Dive in and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that engage our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness. I prošećite se vedutama istarskih gradića i osjetite duh jednog mirnog prošlog vremena... _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I won't give you everything, do your research and indulge yourself
Naziv slike: Allegro u D Duru" 12
Tehnika : Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 80x80
Cijena : 285 EUR - 2.147,33HRK
okvir na upit 30EUR
Opremite interijer stana, kuće, ili poslovnog prostora slikama velikog i manjeg formata.
Izaberite idealnu originalnu umjetničku sliku bogatog kolorita za vas ili vaše prijatelje. Slika je zaista vrijedan dar,uspomena i lijepi znak pažnje za svaku prigodu poput godišnjica ,vjenčanja, rođendane, ......, Uronite i osjetitite pozitivnu energiju magičnih vrtova
Vrtovi su prekrasna duhovna mjesta koja uključuju naša osjetila, izazivaju naše čudo, kupaju nas u ljepoti, mogu iznijeti dijete iz nas i aktivirati našu razigranost .Uživajte u slikama morskih pejzaža , prošećite se vedutama istarskih gradića, magične Istre i njenih prirodnih ljepota i običaja...., i osjetite duh jednog mirnog prošlog vremena... Neću vam sve odati, sami istražite i prepustite se uživanju
Svaka umjetnička slika je potpisana vlastoručno na prednjoj strani slike , a na pozadini svake podloge biti će vidljiv certifikat sa vlastoručnim potpisom, godinom nastanka slike i ostalim podacima uz službeni pečat, Sa napomenom da je umjetnička slika original u tom slučaju dolazi na pozadinu slike certifikat koji potvrđuje autentičnost slike autorice odnosno mene Amina Konate Visintin kao jedine autorice umjetničkog djela . Svaka slika je zaštićeno autorsko djelo tako da je zabranjeno svako neovlašteno kopiranje i umnožavanje, distribuiranje, davanje na korištenje i javno izvođenje ovog materijala ili bilo kojeg njegovog dijela u prodajne - komercijalne svrhe.
Naziv slike: Mediteranska idila 13
Tehnika : Akril na platnu
Dimenzija : 80x80
Cijena: na upit
Besplatna dostava
Image name
Price: 500 euros
Furnish the interior of an apartment, house, or business premises with large and small format pictures.
Choose the ideal original art picture with rich color for you or your friends. For any occasion such as weddings, birthdays, etc..., Immerse yourself and feel the positive energy of the magical gardens
Gardens are beautiful spiritual places that involve our senses, evoke our wonder, bathe us in beauty, can bring out the child in us and activate our playfulness, enjoy the landscape pictures in the views of the city of Poreč, meet modern Frida.. .. I won't tell you everything, do your own research and enjoy yourself